Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) has started to move ahead in making its energy consumption pattern more efficient. The move has been initiated after recently conducted energy audit identified a potential of reducing the energy consumption at TIA by 30% through implementation of energy efficiency measures. The energy audit at TIA conducted as per the interest of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) for energy conservation and cost reduction was supported by the Nepali-German Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme of the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS).
The analysis based upon the audit findings reveals that the only international airport of the country can save NPR 16.3 million annually with such reduction in current annual energy consumption amount of 5,387,181 kWh. In addition to reduction in the current financial burden of TIA, its move towards energy efficiency would also address in reducing the current load-shedding crisis.
The energy audit at TIA was conducted from 21 December 2013 to 9 January 2014 as a response to the request from Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTA) to Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS). The request has been catered as a sponsored pilot energy audit under Energy Efficiency in Industries component of Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP). NEEP is a Nepali-German programme, under the leadership of WECS and supported by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the objective to promote energy efficiency in the country. The energy efficiency in industries – component of NEEP is being implemented by Energy Efficiency Centre at Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI), also supported by GIZ on behalf of BMZ.
TIA was established in 1949 and has an operational land area of about 2,320,000m2 and total built up area is about 31,000 m2 including International Terminal Building (ITB), Domestic Terminal Building (DTB), Operations and Airlines building, Cargo, VVIP, and other associated buildings. The major electrical loads of the TIA consist of air conditioning systems, in-door and out-door lighting, airfield lighting, lifts, escalators, conveyors, pumps, aviation and IT appliances. Out of total electricity consumption at TIA air conditioning load consumes 48%, lighting load 32%, sub-consumers 11% towards and pump & conveyor load 9%. The annual cost of electricity paid by TIA to NEA during 2012/13 is NRs 56,185,992.
TIA has invested around NRs 4 million during present fiscal year for implementation of the recommendations of energy audit and plans to invest around NRs 49 million in the upcoming fiscal years to achieve the results from energy audit findings.
(Source: TIA/CAAN Press Release)
For further information:
Click here for more information on TIA
Click here for more information on Energy Efficiency Market
Click here for news coverage of event published in Republica
Click here for news coverage of event in The Kathmandu Post
Click here for news coverage of event in Kantipur
What is |
Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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